This is the build/run options settings for a JSP project.

  1. Main class path - Outputs the path to the main class to build.

  2. Main class name - Set the name of the main class to build.

  3. Index file - Set the path and name of the main file to run.

  4. Deploy Path - Set the Tomcat deployment path.

  5. Class path - Set the path to the folder where the library files (Jar) are located.

  6. Source path - Set the path to the folder with the main class to build.

  7. Build path - Set the path to the folder where the built files will be stored.

  8. Build Options - Set the build command options to add.

  9. Log file path - Set the path to the log file.

  10. Web Viewer - Set the location to show the run results in a browser. (Tab/New Window)

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