Image: Packs

Image Packs in goormIDE serve as templates for your development environment.

Image Packs provide boilerplates for the latest and most popular development stacks, allowing you to quickly and easily start working on various stacks' algorithms and design patterns.

Experience the freedom of seamless project management with Packs, where environment configuration is no longer a hindrance

Create a Container with an Image: Packs

Create from SPACE dashboard

  1. Click the [Try it out] button in SPACE dashboard

Image: Packs card in dashboard page
  1. Select the pack to create > Set a new container name and select the desired performance > Click the [Fork] button

Fork packs modal

Create from IMAGE dashboard

  1. Click the [IMAGE] > [Packs] tab on the left sidebar

    [Image: Packs] tab
  2. Click the [Fork] button on a pack you want to create

[Fork] button
  1. Set a new container name and select performance > Click the [Fork] button

Fork packs modal

Last updated