Nov. 28, 2019
Last updated
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Added Option for Container Region
Since we started goormIDE service in Korea, we only had a container region in Seoul, which caused many users from overseas to experience some latency in their terminal and slow file read/write (speed). Now, we provide an option for Oregon (US) region and hope that the problems that were mentioned are now solved.
Added Environment Variable Configuration
Users who are sharing your container with non-root privilege will not be able to access these information.
You can find this feature on the Container Settings page.
Added new stacks: Caffe / PyTorch / Hadoop / Spark
Added Find Command feature
Now you can run your scripts without having to use your mouse. Just type Alt + Shift + S
Added WebView widget
Preview your website in development, or watch tutorial videos from Youtube without toggling your browser tabs.
Added terminal command to open a file with an editor
Type goorm [file name]
to open the file in an editor.
Enhanced iPad/Mobile Support
Fixed a bug where a file would not open after double-clicking at Project Explorer.
Improved accessibility of the top menu bar when in mobile portrait mode.
Touch and hold a file in the Project Explorer to access the right-click menu.
Fixed broken bottom status bar UI in mobile portrait mode.
Improved the inconvenience of using the Build/Run/Test buttons.
Added horizontal scrolling when open tabs overflow in the bottom layout.
Fixed a bug where clicking the Copy URL button would break the table UI in Running URL and Port menu.
Fixed a bug that caused the main file name to be created as "" when creating a Java project.
Fixed a bug that caused Project Explorer to load infinitely when accessing IDE after deleting main project folder.