Nov. 3, 2020
v1.16.0, v.2.12.0
Last updated
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v1.16.0, v.2.12.0
Last updated
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Pin the containers you use often!
Easily find the containers you need by sorting by last updated, last created.
And various UI/UX improvements...
Make image snapshots of the current state of your container. It'll make it easy to create containers with your own environment.
Try using GPU resources quickly and easily with goormIDE.
Various models including NVIDIA Tesla K80, V100.
Freely move CPU/GPU instances based on container.
You can increase and decrease GPU resources at any time per container.
Real-time editing and testing directly on GPU instances without deployment.
Simply connect TensorBoard, Jupyter Notebook, etc.
How to use ?
Requires custom domain and ssl certificate. Compress the ssl certificate into zip file and upload it. It will take 1-2 days for the certificate to be applied.
You can create new container based on below templates for better environment. Check it up in goormIDE Hub!
MariaDB, MongoDB
Google Analytics, SpreadSheet, Calendar, Gmail
The Ruby on Rails container creation time, which took more than 10 minutes, has been reduced to less than 1 minute.
Add some variables or expressions on the Expressions table you want to chase up the values on each step of debugging.
Fixed a bug where the error code was displayed in [Create container] -> [Deployment] -> [Heroku].
Fixed a bug where the sharing feature does not work properly.
Fixed a bug where the account dropdown menus do not work properly.
Fixed a bug where the maximum count was not able to reach when inviting collaborators.
If the editor is in emmet mode and the selected file is html, pressing Cmd (Ctrl) + Shift + D keys will change the match pair range function to line copy function.
Fixed the debug feature on the Python stack.