Aug. 3, 2021

v 1.38.0, v2.34.0



Try adding an Always-On option at any time

  • When you feel a lack of Always-On containers with your Premium plan, now you can purchase additional options for it.

Container Filter

  • When there are too many containers in your team, try to use the new filtering feature to view the containers according to the conditions you set.

  • You can set the conditions for the container filter as 'Status', 'Always-On', 'Language', and 'Owner'.

Container QuickFinder in Sidebar

  • You can search and move to containers anywhere on the Organization Console page using the QuickFinder in the sidebar.

User Personal Profile

  • You can view the profile of the organization member in the Team Console.

  • In the profile, you can check the Teams, Spaces, and Containers of the selected member.


The "Dashboard" has been changed to the expression "Console"

  • It is due to the plan that we will continue to strengthen this place as a management tool for containers and resources.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed a bug where the bottom tab would return to a fixed size for certain actions.

  • Fixed terminal size bug when running terminal mode.

  • Fixed to enable GitHub accounts connection and cloning repository in IDE containers.

  • Fixed a bug where the image creation does not work on the Container Settings page.

  • Added menu collapse button in the sidebar, Team Console.

  • Fixed a bug where a user who has no email information can access the Console page.

  • Fixed an issue where containers were not created in regions except Seoul in a certain scenario.

  • Fixed a bug where the height of the container creation card has changed on the Console page.

Last updated