Jul. 23, 2020
v1.11.0, v.2.9.0
Last updated
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v1.11.0, v.2.9.0
Last updated
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Updated to the latest version of Codemirror editor's Javascript/JSX support which is covering up to ES8 grammar.
Go to the help page when you want to know how to use goormIDE. If you need help with your development, you can discuss it with goorm users on the forum page.
The following software stacks will no longer be able to be created.
Blank / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
C/C++ / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Django / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Express / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Flask / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Go / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Kotlin / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Node.js / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Python / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
PyQt / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
React / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
React Native / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Ruby / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Ruby on Rails / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Sinatra / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Of course you can still open your containers created before this update with the above stacks.
Fixed notice message title to "Notice" from "Warning" which was popped up when SCM push/pull operations are completed.
Fixed bug where modal was not visible when clicking WebView and Chat button at the bottom right.
Fixed bug with anonymous GitLab repository connection.
Changed the "search" button to a toggle button in the toolbar at the top right.
Improved a performance issue with SCM panel when a user made changes at a large number of files.
The container creation naming convention has changed.
When selecting Django stack: Impossible to include word "django" and special character [ - ]
When selecting the rest of the stack: Alphanumeric and special characters [ -, _ ] are allowed.